Sunday, December 7, 2014

It's the little things...

I'm just a couple days away from 6 full weeks of my new lifestyle.   I have not had any processed foods, nothing with added sugar, and have been controlling my carbs very tightly.  No potatoes, no pasta, no bread, really no fruit, though I could fit fruit in if I really wanted it.  Just not really wanting it and nothing decent is really in season.

I am feeling a big difference...the constant aches and pains are gone, and I think I'm sleeping better too.

I'm down about 25 lbs, but I'm still at a size where it takes a LOT before the loss is really noticeable.

The most exciting difference, however, is something that probably wouldn't seem like a big deal at all to someone who has never experienced it.  Last Sunday I was getting dressed, and I lifted up my foot to put my sock and shoe on.  I lifted up my foot.  I put on my sock and my shoe while standing on one foot.   This isn't a balance issue, I've always had pretty good balance.  This is so much more significant than that.  It used to physically HURT to lift my foot up, even a few inches, let alone lift it high enough to put a sock on.  I haven't been able to do that simple act for almost three years. 

When I realized what I was doing I had to sit down on my bed and process it for a few seconds.  This is even better than the pants or the ring that's too big to wear.  I can lift my foot up, and even put a sock on it, without pain!

I need to start moving with intention now.  Exercising on purpose.   I've been so inactive that it's going to be really hard to get back into it, but if I truly want to change my life and become truly healthy then I have to get over myself and just start DOING it.  I told Dr. Z when I saw her 5 days ago that I am going to shoot for 10 minutes a day every day...she said to set my goal for 3 or 4 times a week to start.   And I haven't done it yet!   I'm about ready to pick up my kettlebells again.  Just a few swings.    Baby steps!

I also got a cap on my tooth that doesn't fit and it is making me SO miserable.  It hurts to eat, and is hyper-sensitive to cold and heat, which I guess isn't all bad, but it sucks when you're eating a high-protein diet!   Hoping to get it fixed tomorrow.  THIS is why I wait until it's absolutely necessary before I get any dental work done, because it sure as heck wasn't bothering BEFORE.  But they convinced me that "it will be problematic in the future" and that I needed to get it done.   #$@*&#^