Saturday, July 21, 2012

Clean Eating & Exercising Consistently

I've been eating clean since Monday, and went to kettlebell class twice, as well as a "The Swing On-the-Minute" drill at home. Yesterday I was down 6 lbs! Or maybe it was 8, I can't remember exactly so I'll say 6.

I know that this is going to slow way down, but I'm not going to worry so much about the scale as about eating healthy, clean food and exercising consistently. The rest of it will fall into place on its own if I do that.

I had entered the swing drill (20 min.) into My Fitness Pal as a 300 calorie workout. I got my new Polar Heart Rate Monitor yesterday and wore it during the drill. Man, I was delusional! According to the HRM I only burned 107 CALORIES! I was delusional. 300 calories?!?!? UGH. I'm going to go to the gym and get a good 60 minutes of cardio in and see what the monitor says I've burnt vs. what the machines at the gym say. Should be interesting. And it will get me into the gym today too!

I'm looking forward to wearing it at kettlebell class on Monday and seeing what kind of burn I get there.

I made a lovely Qui-tatta on Friday. I put lots of broccoli in it, but not enough fresh vegetables. Husband makes a much better one! I used goat cheese in time feta for a little more tang. But it was still delicious. And I've still got a serving of it left. I'm trying really hard to control the portions and eat in more "normal" quantities. I'm looking forward to Tracy coming back to Olympia. We hit it off so well, and it felt like we've known each other all our lives. I want to make her proud. I want to be like her.

Well, OK, maybe not THAT bad-ass! LOL

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