Saturday, June 30, 2018

Insanity and Coming Out

So I "outed" myself on Facebook and told my "real life" friends and family about my surgery and this journey.  I've been really reticent about doing this as I simply can't deal with judgement and people (who have NEVER had a weight problem) telling me that if I only exercised more and ate less, yada-yada-yada.  I have to say I'm really surprised at the swelling of support that I've gotten.  It really warms my heart and motivates me that the people I care about are behind me 100% and understand exactly why I did this. I feel like I have my tribe behind me, cheering me on!  It really feels amazing.

It's going to be nice to be able to share my milestones and victories (scale and non-scale) with well as those times I feel down because things aren't happening as fast as I want. I just hope they don't get sick of my posting about this. I suppose if they do, they can turn off notifications.

I'm really enjoying the "Bariatric Mindset Mavens" group. Kristin posts some things that really cause me to stop and think...and consider. This morning she went live and did some relaxation/breathing demonstrations that can really help me center myself and remember why I'm doing this and what my goals and dreams are.

I feel like I'm doing really well so far.  I'm still staying away from the scale and just going with how I am feeling. I am so much more active. Instead of asking Ken to step and fetch for me, I'm doing it myself...down to the garage, upstairs to the bedroom, outside to the mailbox.  Amazing how I want to do everything myself when it doesn't hurt to do it!

I'm still not getting in the fluids like I should...I should be drinking a minimum of 64 oz a day and it's often an effort.  I made some herbal iced tea today. It's mango/ginger and it is really good!  That will definitely help me get the fluids in...I'm already on my second pint.

I still like water, but I need to work on my timing, since I have to wait 10 minutes after drinking to eat, then 30 minutes after eating to drink.

I think a lot of the time when I feel "hunger" it's actually thirst, so I'm going to be concentrating on getting fluids in when I feel that hunger...if I'm still hungry after I drink a glass of water or tea, then I'll wait 10 minutes and eat.  But I suspect that drinking the iced herbal tea is going to help.

I'm really getting into the habit of night eating...popsicles after I go to bed, and last night I had a protein bar too.  Over 350 calories AFTER going to bed. Definitely need to cut that out COMPLETELY.  No eating in bed. Not even (or especially?) popsicles.

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