Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 3: Great day until....

I was doing really good today until I got home...and found out that husband has been at the casino for 5 hours today. I hate hate hate hate casinos and gambling, ESPECIALLY when they suck in someone who has no control. like my husband. He says, "But I won a $700 jackpot!" Big effing deal! Casino always always ALWAYS wins and if you can't walk away when you win anything over $20, then I believe that there is a problem. He keeps thinking the next $20 or $30 or $100 he puts in the thing will be the next big jackpot.

So, in my anger and frustration, I cracked open the tropical rum singles. I've drank 3 of them, and not even a slight buzz. I have a sweet coating in my mouth - yuck. And I bet they're extremely costly in the WW points.

Well, tomorrow's another day. I'll get up and go to the gym, then sit at my desk at work and wonder if he's back at the casino. He's been off work since Christmas, and probably won't be getting a whole lot of hours for the rest of the winter, so of COURSE, he's throwing the effing money away at the casino. GRRRRRRRR

*deep cleansing breaths*

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